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The appearance of your facade is the first point of contact with your patient. It should make them want to come and discover your world and your unique identity. Your facade must be distinctive, reflecting your image or the colors of your network.

Our advisors and design studio are here to help you find the best solutions to make each project unique and personalized, addressing urban planning, technical, and visibility challenges as effectively as possible.


enseigne pharmacie lettre boitier lisere vert

Relief lettering, also known as box letters, comes in various sizes (from 30 cm to over 2 meters) and is typically illuminated to ensure visibility from a distance. They can be placed either on painted strips matching the facade color or on a panel.

A flat sign is also possible, either illuminated with cut-outs in metal or non-illuminated with adhesive.

More and more pharmacies and networks are highlighting a distinctive sign, such as a logo or emblem. Another distinctive feature is the illuminated trim that outlines the entire length of the facade: ideal for catching attention, especially on large facades, with subtle architectural lighting, often white or colored, that elegantly enhances your storefront.

Pharmacy cross

leds vertes pour croix de pharmacie

A unique recognition sign for your patients, your cross—whether single-faced or double-faced, animated, modular, or digital—must be visible from a distance.

For the past five years, we have developed in our workshops a range of three crosses to meet three different needs as simply as possible:

Cligo+ Cross: It’s hard to find a cross on the market that is simple, safe, efficient, and very affordable. The Cligo+ will meet 100% of your requirements in terms of both price and design, featuring LED lights with eight guaranteed animations for three years. It can be adapted to all your dimensions.

GR TECH: This modular cross is certainly one of the most powerful on the market, with 23,500 cd. A high-end product, guaranteed for five years, and easy to program, even remotely. 100% French, 100% efficient, at an unbeatable price in this market.

FULL DIGITAL: After experiencing numerous setbacks with unreliable exotic products, we decided to assemble our own panels with ultra-bright and reliable pitch (guaranteed for five years). You can display video animations such as your logo or seasonal messages.

Reliable, guaranteed products—our teams will be there to help you find the best product according to your needs, with a tailored financing offer.


lettres et symboles pvc bien-être pharmaci

Once inside, the customer journey in the pharmacy is increasingly complex, with more products and services to offer alongside impatient and demanding patients. This complicated dynamic requires time and expertise.

The CEOS teams can offer you simple and modular solutions. Whether it’s illuminated boxes for brands, magnetic universal strips, suspended or wall-mounted lettering, zoning boxes, time totems, vinyl floor graphics, or special coverings for click & collect, CEOS will find the most suitable solutions for you.