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Stretched Canvas

To enhance your communication, the stretched canvas signage system is the only way to cover your facades, either fully or partially, for optimal visibility and maximum impact.

We cover your surface with a metal-textile structure, printed according to your branding guidelines, and installed using tension systems that highlight and elevate your image.

The advertising canvas, also known as a billboard banner, is applied directly to the facade of your building or inside. It is used to promote a special offer or an upcoming event, or during renovation or construction work, by covering scaffolding. The stretched advertising fabric comes in various materials and printing models.

Indoor stretched canvas

Made of polyester or PVC, it offers great durability and excellent print quality.

Stretched and fixed on a tension profile or within a frame, its size and shape adapt to your needs.

To improve visibility, LED lighting systems can be integrated into the frame, highlighting the visual.

They are typically used in entrance halls, meeting rooms, or shopping centers for advertising announcements, important information, or upcoming openings.

Outdoor stretched canvas

Made of PVC, this is the most commonly used fabric for large-scale events, such as cultural or sports events, or to decorate large buildings. Like indoor fabrics, it can be illuminated or not.

Due to their size and often strategic placement, outdoor stretched fabrics easily capture the attention of a wide audience.

The materials and inks are specially designed to withstand outdoor conditions, ensuring long-lasting durability and consistent visual impact.

The fabrics can be easily replaced, allowing for regular updates of advertising messages without the need for new structures.

They can be custom-made in terms of size, shape, and design to meet your needs.