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The totem is the most visible sign due to its height and placement. The purpose of the totem is to inform, direct, or attract attention.

The totem sign can be for advertising (to display the company’s name through text or visuals) or for signage (to indicate the location of multiple companies in a business area, for example).

The totem is vertical, often placed at the entrance of a site or in reception halls, and can come in different designs: Fixed or mobile, curved or flat, straight or slanted, single or double-sided, illuminated or not. At eye level or sometimes reaching several meters high, it is an excellent means of outdoor communication.

totem en aluminium pour le batiment vivacity

The structure can be made of aluminum or steel, and the face can be made of plexiglass or aluminum.

The designs vary, with plexiglass faces, cut-out metal sheets, or full-height stretched fabric. We can also design your totem with different illuminated raised lettering or apply adhesive elements.

The installation of a totem requires a thorough technical study to ensure secure ground fixation (specific concrete base for each totem, wind resistance), as well as a specific design to meet environmental constraints.

Indoor totems are equally attention-grabbing, serving an informative and/or directional purpose. Increasingly, we are incorporating dynamic digital screens to make communication more interactive.